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Updated: May 24, 2023

The Timbavati Private Nature Reserve (TPNR) is situated in the heart of the Lowveld region of South Africa and measures over 53 000 hectares (131 000 acres). Safeguarding the animal and plant species in this vast area, from the ever-increasing demand for natural products, is no small feat. Wildlife security is a full-time job and necessitates high levels of antipoaching training, commitment, and determination.

The TPNR’s anti-poaching efforts include dedicated field rangers, a central control room, cameras along the perimeter boundaries, full surveillance of all the gates and highly trained canine rangers.

Supporting conservation and wildlife security efforts is important to Tenthouse Structures and we are proud to collaborate with the TPNR and unite against poaching. The TPNR expressed a desire to build a Canine Detection Search Bay at the Avoca Gate, functioning as a dedicated area for Canine Rangers and their handlers to search the vehicles exiting and entering the reserve. Together with the Warden of the Timbavati, Edwin Pierce, we set about to conceptualize, design, and install the new antipoaching unit.

The Canine Detection Search Bay provides the two Canines stationed at the Avoca Gate, Canine Kevin and Canine Spot, with much needed shade as they search the vehicles and keep the reserve safe. The canine unit serves as an early warning detection, and the canines are trained to detect explosives, gun powder, and firearm residue entering and exiting the reserve, as well as contraband in the form of elephant tusks/ ivory and rhino horn leaving the reserve.

The Avoca Gate is a critical entrance to secure as it provides access to Thornybush, Sandringham, and the Timbavati Private Nature Reserves. Once you have entered Avoca Gate, you have essentially gained access to the Greater Kruger landscape, and as many of the reserves’ fences have now been dropped, it is essential that access points are secured and that every effort is made to keep these wilderness areas protected.

Tenthouse Structures is proud to join the fight against poaching. Join us in supporting the TPNR and its wildlife security efforts:


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